

With Anaplan for Account Segmentation and Scoring, sales leaders can uncover new market opportunities and identify potential revenue growth. Plan and model account segments at the market, account, or product level. Score and rank accounts within segments to focus your sales team on your best, most profitable opportunities. Analyze your customer’s purchasing behaviors to define your sales territories with more precision and appropriately align your sales resources. Set quota targets that can be easily explained and justified to your sales people, and are based on accurate and fair apportionment of opportunities.


Key Benefits

  • Analyze account segments to better define sales strategy, provide alignment with corporate objectives, and optimize sales performance in real time
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  • Segment and score accounts to provide visibility and insight to where you should focus your sales resources
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  • Improve account assignment ratio to sales representatives capacity to ensure that there is sufficient account service
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  • Better define sales territory coverage and quota assignments based on intelligent market opportunity and revenue potential
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  • Use any account attributes such as revenue, size, geographic location, wallet share, number of employees, or industry vertical to define account segments and scoring criteria
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  • 分析客户细分,以更好地定义销售策略,与公司目标保持一致,并实时优化销售业绩
  • 对客户进行细分和评分,以提供您应该将销售资源集中在何处的可见性和洞察力
  • 提高客户分配给销售代表能力的比例,确保客户服务充足
  • 基于智能的市场机会和收入潜力,更好地定义销售区域覆盖范围和配额分配
  • 使用任何账户属性(如收入、规模、地理位置、钱包份额、员工数量或行业垂直)来定义账户细分和评分标准
Read the datasheet"}}" id="text-41cf623941" class="cmp-text">